Antivirus ESET
- FJFI has its own quota of licenses and its own management of these licenses
- Eset Antivirus with FJFI license is available for download at - see picture. Antivirus is available in Czech and English versions for Windows 32 and 64bit. It works on Windows 10 and 11.
- Further versions are available from the FJFI IT administration. Contact HelpDesk IT FJFI.
- To assign a license for a specific PC/NB, it must be clear which machine it is. Optimally, it should be established in the NMS system records ( or at least correctly named according to the model valid from November 2023 (five-digit centre code-room number-order of the machine in the room clockwise from the entrance door, e.g. 14114-t356-04 is the machine in the Department of Materials, in room 356 in the Trojanova building and the fourth in order)
- ESET licences cannot be used on private devices and even in the case when works in the interest of CTU would be processed on them - see more details here:
Other software
Other licenses, if any, are managed by the individual departments that purchased the product. Microsoft Imagine, formerly DreamSpark, before that MSDN AA :-) is no longer available.