Wireless connection

Last updated:
Eduroam network

International network for educational and scientific institutions (Eduroam on Wiki)

  • Account must be activated by setting it up in Usermap.
  • Login is done using a username in the form of an e-mail address username@cvut.cz.
  • You can log in wherever the Eduroam network broadcasts (coverage in CZ) or (coverage worldwide).
  • Probably the best way to set up a client device is to use a configuration script. On the page eduroam CAT you can download the script for your operating system after you select CTU as your home organization. For manual configuration, the necessary informations are available on the page Wireless networks on CTU.
  • For devices with a newer version of Android OS (typically v10 and higher) works better the app "geteduroam".
Other WiFi networks

Connecting a guest (no Eduroam account)

  • WiFi network "FJFIGuest"
  • the account will be set up by the IT Department upon the request via Helpdesk
  • it's a special account, authentication works via the captive portal
    • required information
      • guest name
      • the account validity period

WiFi connection for mass events

  • the network will be set up by the IT Department upon the request via Helpdesk
  • it will be a WiFi network of the desired SSID with a shared key (PSK), for longer-lasting actions (several days), the key well be occasionally changed.
  • required informatione: 
    • network name (SSID)
    • location (street address, room numbers)
    • broadcasting period